Saturday, 27 October 2012

迦密山服事中心 (SOM)

Photos taken here

To read more about School of Ministry (SOM), see message by Ps Peter Tsukahira, Director of Mt Carmel School of Ministry.
彼得塚平牧師(Peter Tsukahira)為迦密山服事中心主任、國際教會增長事工(趙鏞基牧師建立主持)委員會委員。他是一位國際性的聖經教師,其著作《神的海嘯》就是闡述神在末世對以色列與列國的心意。

Mount Carmel School of Ministry web page:

Wednesday, 10 October 2012



来临的11月,我与其他38位团友成功获得移民厅所发出的单行“Baitul Maqdis”*(耶路撒冷或耶路撒冷阿克萨清真寺)签证,可以在圣地逗留不超过14天。


*Bait-ul- Maqdis : Bait' literally means 'House': a mosque is frequently called Baitullah (the House of Allah). Bait-ul-Maqdis is the famous mosque in Jerusalem which is regarded as the third greatest mosque in the Islamic world; the first and second being Al-Masjid Al-Haram at Makka and the mosque of the Prophet sawat Al-Madina, respectively.

另参:马来西亚基督教朝圣者到圣地(以色列)的新限制 New Restrictions for Malaysian Christian Pilgrims to the Holy Land (Israel)