Saturday 27 October 2012

迦密山服事中心 (SOM)

Photos taken here

To read more about School of Ministry (SOM), see message by Ps Peter Tsukahira, Director of Mt Carmel School of Ministry.
彼得塚平牧師(Peter Tsukahira)為迦密山服事中心主任、國際教會增長事工(趙鏞基牧師建立主持)委員會委員。他是一位國際性的聖經教師,其著作《神的海嘯》就是闡述神在末世對以色列與列國的心意。

Mount Carmel School of Ministry web page:

Wednesday 10 October 2012



来临的11月,我与其他38位团友成功获得移民厅所发出的单行“Baitul Maqdis”*(耶路撒冷或耶路撒冷阿克萨清真寺)签证,可以在圣地逗留不超过14天。


*Bait-ul- Maqdis : Bait' literally means 'House': a mosque is frequently called Baitullah (the House of Allah). Bait-ul-Maqdis is the famous mosque in Jerusalem which is regarded as the third greatest mosque in the Islamic world; the first and second being Al-Masjid Al-Haram at Makka and the mosque of the Prophet sawat Al-Madina, respectively.

另参:马来西亚基督教朝圣者到圣地(以色列)的新限制 New Restrictions for Malaysian Christian Pilgrims to the Holy Land (Israel)